We have seen a lot of AI porn photos around here and that is because this site is about them. And this newest AI porn photo is nothing different. Well yeah it is. Check it out. Shaved Pussy blonde. Now to me it kind of looks like she is sitting in front of a tv. Her legs are folded under her and she is sitting on her feet. Her back is arched backwards which forces her big tits up into the air. And then her knees are separate to show her shaved pussy.
However behind her appears to be a forest and it almost looks like she is being rained on. Her body is dripping water and it is rolling down the swell of her big tits. Her thighs and abs also appear to be wet. But I have to say that I am captivated by that shaved pussy and wish that this were a real girl and a real set so that we could see more. What do you think about her body. If you ask me, this shaved pussy blonde is almost perfect!
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